
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

String hoppers

String hoppers


2 cups flour (red rice flour and steamed flour mixed)
1tsp salt
300ml boiling water mixed with 50ml cold water

Preparation of flour
1. In a steamer, steam a packet of plain white flour.
2. When cool, break up and sift twice. Mix with a packet of roasted red rice flour (available from Indian grocery shops).
1. Put flour and salt into a large bowl and gradually add the water and mix quickly into a pliable dough.
2. When thoroughly mixed, put a little of the dough into a string hopper mould and squeeze the mixture onto a string hopper mat in a circular fashion.
3. Place 4 or 5 mats in a steamer and steam over a pan of boiling water for about 5 minutes.
4. Once string hoppers are cooked, remove from the mats and place on a dish.
5. Ready-made string hoppers (Instant Stringhoppers) are sold in packets in grocery stores that sell Sri Lankan foods.)

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